There has been much speculation on the specifications of this locomotive on several forums. So those who may know please feel free to comment. I have read on the not very reliable wikipedia that #610 is not an S-160 class but techically a ‘Type-A’. The S-160 class being those locomotives produced for wartime use overseas during WW2. Can anyone confirm this or have more information (specifics).
S-160 had the following specs: 19" Bore X 26" Stroke - Boiler’s largest diameter 5’ ft. 10".
I have seen pictures of #610 in service in the US Army in the 50’s.
Anyone have any info and could anyone tell me if there are scale drawings of this particular locomotive.
I reckon the definitive answer is probably to be found in the following publication:
“Allied military locomotives of the second world war”, by R. Tourret. - Tourret publishing (ISBN 0-905878-06-X).
I don’t write this to give you a hard time or upset you, but I would have thought it was blindingly obvious that TVR 610 was built to the same basic design and specification as the wartime S-160s. I can see this just by looking at the photos you’ve posted - any differences between the two are merely cosmetic.
If you want a model of this engine, the obvious way to get one is to modify the available kit for the S-160.
No worries i did not take it personally (grin). Actually i was not aware of the reference you mentioned, so i will pick it up. I suppose i was just wondering if anyone on the forums was associated with the TVRM and could provide any additional information. Even though externally it looks the same that is not to say they bore/stroke could not be larger permitting addtional tractive effort and so forth. That was all i was really fishing for. In addition perhaps some scale drawings of the TVRM loco to get more specifics on those previously mentioned and much bantered Sand Boxes ;). Thanks again for the reference.
Edit: Holy Moly i just checked amazon and someone is advertising that book for $305.00 Ouch! and as for the S-160 kit @ $500 + (depending on the exchange rates) i think i will find a US Loco and kitbash. Thanks again.