Some random toy notes:
I’ve noticed Christmas decorations at CVS in the Pentagon are 50% off. Hmmm. I wonder if toy trains are 50% off somewhere?
Now, the question I really would like to ask. I’ll try to frame it so it appears to be a toy train question.
I’m completing a coming of age adventure novel that includes Lionel and real trains. There’s mention in the novel of a small device that makes a loud clicking sound when you depress it with your thumb. I think they sold these in Cracker Jack boxes in the 1960s. What were they called?
They are made of metal and thought they might be called clackers but clackers actually are a 1970s toy–the 2 glass balls attached to string that make a loud noise when you pop them together.
Any help on this topic appreciated.
I believe they were called ‘Clickers’
Thanks, Tom,
I pumped “clickers” into Goggle and came up with:
Brings back memories. You can really annoy people with these. In fact, the character in my novel does just that.
Very interesting!
Come to think of it, I saw these used in a movie about WWII paratroopers.
So, the clicket came from the cricket.
Gee whiz
Speaking of 50% off train sets, yes, there are some items. Here are two I know about:
They have their shortcomings–these are designed for the mass market to meet a price point–but if you’re willing to live with not being able to double-head a locomotive, the second item gives you a decent-looking diesel locomotive with Railsounds for $149 plus shipping. The first item is a Pennsy Flyer set. I don’t know anything about its locomotive and I don’t know if it comes with a 40- or 80-watt transformer or if it comes with Fastrack. But figuring a dollar a watt, $40 for a transformer, $30 for the cars, and $50 for the locomotive is a fair deal. It’s like getting the track for free. An oval of tubular would cost you $15; an oval of Fastrack would cost more like $40. Not earth-shattering at $119 but nice.
Holiday village items are 50% off or better at all of the usual places while they last, which typically isn’t long. I’ll go hunting in a bit but I doubt I find much left. Some of that stuff is very nice for a Christmas layout and some of it is even usable the rest of the time, like trees and streetlights and such. Christmas lights are also useful for lighting projects no matter what the time of year may be.