I think I’ll leave well-enough alone and stay with the workaround that I have, as long as it continues to work. But thanks for the suggestion, anyway.
I’ve been un-checking the ‘keep me logged in’ box and was unable to log in today. After reading this thread, I tried leaving the ‘keep me logged in’ box checked. Worked that time around.
I tried un-checking the ‘keep me logged in’ box and was unable to log in today as well.
This site and their software suck. Not much more one can say. [:#]
I have had no problems logging in but even with the ‘keep me logged in’ box checked I am having to log in each time I come to the site.
No problems here.
Roy, can you log in if you uncheck the box?
Hi Bob,
Nope. I had to check the box. Otherwise it just let me onto the site as an observer. Tried this a few times to make sure. Did this on my PC with Chrome.
Interesting - on the iPAD there is not a log-out link so I could not log-out and check it there. Today was the first day when on the iPAD (my normal use lately) it did not force me to log in when I accessed the site.
When I posted my comment on this thread yesterday I was using the iPAD. BTW - the iPAD is still logged in, but I had to log in to connect the PC.
I just got logged out for going to Google momentarily.
The plot thickens.
There seems to be no end to the login fiasco on the forum. Is there any effort going on at CTT to resolve the many reported errors?
I guess not.
I have noticed that every other website that I have to log into is willing to identify me by the name “lionelsoni”; but CTT wants my full e-mail address. This was a minor annoyance; but now that the forum logs me out capriciously, it has gotten more tedious. Whether or not the other problems that I am working around can be fixed, it would be nice to have a shorter log in. After all, it is certain that our screen names are unique; and I don’t see how there could be any security problem.
PS: It did it again, just as I posted the text above.
Yes, the problem is being worked on. Forum logins are authenticated through the customer database, and this problem is related to another issue. I believe I’ve had to log in, oh, five or six times in the last week where in the past I could go several months without logging back in. Nobody is happy.
Bob, thanks for the reassurance that you all are trying to fix it. (I got kicked out after reading your post and had to log in again to post this! I feel like that “Keep me logged in” box is mocking me every time I log in.)
Just reporting that the login problem is unchanged: I have to leave the “Keep me logged in” checked to be able to log in at all; and then it logs me out randomly anyway during the session.
The password problem is very annoying, and having to check the “keep me logged in” is about the only way to navigate the forum. The forum upgrade that was done little over a year ago, totally ruined a very good forum as far as I am concerned. The old system worked, and worked very well. You could see who was on-line when you logged in, so that it was easy to start a discussion with someone. That feature was lost in the upgrade. I come here less and less, because of all these new problems, and have found better forums to fill my needs? I do subscribe to CTT, and it is the only magazine for the hobby that I enjoy reading. The problem is the forum.
As much as I hate going for days and not needing to log back in, then having to log in three or four times in a day, strictly speaking, the forum isn’t the problem. All authentication had been done through the software system that managed customer accounts.
The data migration several weeks back was a move to a different customer management system that apparently doesn’t play well with the forum software. Our IS people are looking at it, but I’m not optimistic of a fix, or of a fix anytime soon (there are other technical issues higher on the stack). Just keeping you guys in the loop.
This post is just me being a squeaky wheel. Nothing has changed. Is the problem still on the stack?
I’ve had to log in three times since last Thursday, safe to say the issue will be with us for a while.
Is there any hope that this problem of having to log in over and over will be solved?
Have to agree with Bob - this is becoming more than annoyinn.
I have to log back in from zero to five times a day, so I understand it. Unfortunately, the system migration from earlier this year went to a system that manages using e-mail addresses, not forum handles. We can’t change it since it isn’t our software or on our servers. Sorry.