Sommerfeldt Catenary Supplies

I ordered the following items from Euro Rail The instruction manuals are all in German. Which I had no idea and thought they would all be in English I feel stuck in reference to having to assemble the kits I ordered. I thought about sending them to a hobby retailer that might assemble these European kits. Does anybody have any suggestions? I would very much appreciate any help that I can get.

SOM-100 HO Height Gauge
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-173 HO Mast Transformer, Kit (1)
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-188 HO Cross span 0.7mm w/o Masts (kit) (1), OeBB
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-193 HO Tower Mast for Cross span Height=165mm, OeBB, (1)
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-199 HO Mast Base H=5mm, OeBB (40)
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-270 HO 6-Track Center Mast, FS (1)
In Stock 11/21/2012
SOM-386 HO m/e Insulator brown, RhB (24)
In Stock 11/21/2012

Gidday, might it help if you retitled your post, “Help Please , German instructions require translation” ???

Just my two bobs worth,

Cheers, the Bear.

Sommerfeldt has an English assembly manual - see here.

You can order it directly, or try to get it through Euro Rail Hobbies.

I would be interested in what you figure out as i plan on making a similar purchase in the next few months. Good luck.


This link will work:

Thanks for the link.

If you want you can also go to Model Memories, Micro Mundo Inc for, Viessmann catenary, Image Replicas for transit modeling, Imperial Hobby Productions, Island Model Works, and Collect Corner.