Sorry GE & EMD Units. Compair...

from my exsperance the emd sd 70 and 60s are great engines they load quick ride smooth and great traction in all weather, then followed by the sd 40 and 50s good engines loud and hard on the ears. then we go to the next in line is the b 30-7 quick loader fair ride good traction , decent engine for a 4 axel unit then i haft to say the gp 60 and 50s these are good engines also quick to load not very good on traction . then comes the dreaded dash 8 and 9s these units wont load and are famouse for wheel slip . but the only thing they have going for them is the dynamic . you cant beat a dash 8 or 9s dynamic. but then again you got to get them moving to use them .

This is the first time I’ve read this section. I would like some comments about both GM and General Electric locomotives both positive and negative. I have read some good comments but please if you want to sling mud at each other do it somewhere else. I think the purpose of this column is comments not that I like GM over General Electric. If you want to do that get each others email address and bore each other…

It seems that train crews prefer EMDs. If you’ve ever been on an engine, ride quality and noise reduction can be a blessing. I still don’t understand why GE’s are so popular–perhaps the only reason is that they are built here, where as GM’s are, for the most part, (sorry Juniata), built in Canada, no offense intended for our Canadian friends and neighbors. Once again, politics prevail over good business. Merry Christmas and good luck to EMD’s Canadian workforce who face layoffs.

AC4400CW or an SD70MAC.If anyone of those hit a stalled 53 ft truck trailer.Who has the least dammage.

first off if you dont like what you read then go else where. the reason GE engines was so popular is that the cost was cheaper. at the time the companies was buying all the power is that you could buy 2 GE units for the price of 1 EMD. the ns has all these ge units becouse at the time of the conrail merger we didnt have power to run trains. and the truck/tractor with its trailer would be demolished. 200 ton locomotive against a 80 ton truck i wouldnt try it.

copperwinding enamel?? If it’s a sweet musty kinda smell that just won’t wash out of your clothes, then that’s probably it.