Sound decoder for alco trains

I am looking to put sound decoders with dcc control for lights and speed in my alcos. What would you recommend for these:

c-630 no circuit board, has can motor with dual drive

rs-1 from altas classic series black box. Has circuit board.

rs-3 from roundhouse. No circuit board has can motor with flywheels

Athern gp-9 Old blue box

This is just a start that I know will break the bank for now.

Any preference on which decoder to use.

Is there anywhere to go to here the decoder before you buy?


For reliability and good sound, I have to recommend the QSI Revolution for all of the above applications. While you are at it, an investment into their Programmer will add another dimention to your Model Railroading experience.

David B

thanks david

EMD made the GP-9, not Alco. The engine sound is very different.

I used a Soundtraxx decoder in my RS-3. I’ve been very happy with it. I installed it a year and a half ago, though, and there have been a lot of changes in sound decoders since then.

I’ve got QSI sound in several engines, and I’m also very happy with that.

MRC has an alco sound that is right on. It has start a up that is very realistic. I have one in a Athearn RS 3 and like its perfformance very much. dont know about fit issues but I think decoder dimensions are on their website.

Thank s, Yes I know emd made the gp-9 and the gp40. These were the newest power bought by the road. They primarly buy cast off alcos but they were a package deal of a closing shortline.
