Sound decoder

I have an Athern Dash 9-44CW engine. It has no decoder. Which sound equipped decoder would you suggest I install? Which would you use?




I have been using the Loksound Select decoders lately. They have excellent sound, Superior motor control and great lighting using LEDs. The prices are 20 to 40% less than the other brands. The great thing about them is there is no need to buy an expensive programer to change sounds. Some time changing CVs is all thats needed to give you a custom sound set.


There is also a SoundTraxx decoder and speaker possibility. $79.96

The LokSound Select is $79.99.

Your choice. I see strong opnions for both brands.


Thank You!

For the dash 9’s you really want either the Loksound 7FDL-16 (the difference between the 16 and the 16A is just the startup sound as best i can tell) or the Tsunami GE FDL modern. I like the loksounds because they use function 8 for start up / shutdown and when you put them on the track you have to press F8 to start them rather than all of your engines starting the second the power turns on.

Also, for the speaker I recommend the Railmaster DSM8 ( i think it’s… you can google railmaster hobbies and you should find it). I am working on installing one of those with a Loksound V4 in my Athearn Dash 9. I had to cut the mounting tabs off the ends but it fits rather well.