Sound Decoders ??????

I am looking for Opinions on some sound decoders. I know what they say about Opinions but I am asking anyway. First off I will tell you that I am not wanting to install it in a Loco…So motor functions are not important. I have a Soundtraxx decoder that has the Sounds for my CF7 which is a sound for an F7. I have it mounted in my control panel on a selector switch. Then it is wired to 4 stereo speakers mounted in various locations under the layout. It has no amplifier wired in and I use the supplied barrel capacitor that came with it. I just MU it in with what ever loco I want the sound to match. It is plenty loud enough and I am very happy with it. I am looking to add another sound decoder, the soundtraxx decoders are OK but don’t have some extra sounds like break squall and things like that. I looked at the new Digitrax DSX064 and the new “sound bug” not yet released. Also I looked at the MRC Brilliance. I have just heard bad things about the so called " Generic " decoders. People say the sounds are not to good. I know QSI makes a good sound decoder but they are around $100. I am looking for 2nd generation Diesel sounds and I like all the little sounds that are in some of the decoders out there. I just wanted to know if anyone has any of these decoders I am looking at and there Opinion of them. Or any comments that might be helpful to me.

Thanks Pat

These Soundtraxx DSX sound only decoders that can be bought from

will probably be your best solution. They have sound files loaded from several different types of engines.

  1. I agree the MRC Brilliance decoders are poor sound producers.
  2. I don’t believe you can buy a QSI separately. Up until now they have only come pre-installed in other companies locomotives.
  3. For what you are doing the 6W output from the Phoenix Sound Systems might be helpful. Phoenix had 16 bit sound long before the others thought of it.
  4. I use Soundraxx DSX for my mobil decoders. I believe their prime mover sounds are more accurate that some of the others (like QSI).
  5. I have a lok Sound but have not analyzed it closely.

Having said that I ask why you are using a mobil decoder anyway. Why not get a sound system made for stationary use?

Have you looked at the MRC Syncro Sound systems?