Sound for a Bachmann GP40


I have a Bachmann GP40 with DCC on board. I would like to add sound to it but need some advice.

  1. Should I replace the Bachmann board with a sound decoder such as Digtrax or,

  2. Could I add a sound-only, no function decoder such as the Digitrax sound-no function decoder?

My idea is to add a dummy unit and run the sound from it. Viable? Hope this makes sense because I’m pretty new at this.

the goat

Actually you are going about this wrong. You are taking a bidget priced loco and wanting to add an expensive component. You will be much better off with a factory sound unit - Atlas or Proto. There have been many many, complaints posted about Bachmann’s cheap decoders.

I picked this thing up at a swap meet for little or nothing and was wondering if it could be converted to sound. This brings up the question as to whether or not it’s worth changing. If you go to the Bachmann Phorum you’ll find that the overwhelming opinion is that Bachmann stuff is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

the goat

If you like it don’t pay attention to what anyone here writes. Historically bachmann diesels have been not much more than toys and have been avoided by “serious” modelers. Recently Bachmann has made major improvements to both the looks and performance to the Spectrum line of their diesels and in some cases their standard line.

Like I said, if you like the way it looks and runs then go ahead and add sound to it. If there is room in the loco for a speaker I would replace the bachmann decoder with the sound/power decoder. If not the sound decoder in a dummy would also work.

Bob DeWoody

I agree with Bob…Here is Soundtraxx web page…You might find what you need there and then order it from your favorite discounter…

I would seriously look at LOKsound. The decoders are small as sound decoders go, and the LOKsound decoder in my spectrum dash 8 sounds better than any of my factory sound locos. The horn could be a little louder for the club but its fine at home. If you were to install it in a dummy, i would put the decoder in the powered loco because the motor control on the ESU chip is much better than the bachmann, and have a miniature plug between the two locos with the speaker(s) in the dummy unit.

Good info! Thanks to all.

the goat