Sound System for a Aristo-Craft Dash-9

Can some one point me towards some good sound systems for my Dash-9’s?


Can’t go wrong with the Phoenix sound made specifically for a Dash 9.

Here is a link to their diesel sounds:

Phoenix Sound

I for got to say that I am running on a DC layout, but plain on switching to a DCC system in a few years. I would like to have a good sounding unit even if I can only use it until I get a DCC System.


Phoenix works on DC, you don’t need DCC for it to work.

I also found out that Soundtraxx makes a Dash 9 sound in their Sierra line. They have two horn choices. Here is the link to the sound samples:

Sierra Sound

Look at file numbers 831032 and 831038.

Oh Sierra also works just fine on DC systems. My Accucraft Goose #5 uses Sierra sound and runs off of track power…no DCC.

Ok I have two more questions for you. I have LGB smoke oil that I use in another engine, do I need to buy Aristo Oil? Also when I am do running or need to transport my 9 do I need to remove all the smoke oil from the Unit?


If the loco will remain upright then you’re ok but if it gets tipped over you’ll have smoke oil everywhere so I’d recommend emptying it just to be safe.

AristoCraft markets a sound unit for the -9. A 1 watt unit with an Optional 11 watt boster, it’s plug and play, made by Dailee, in an AristoCraft box with the proper sound file. I observed it at the W.Springfied (MA) show 3 weeks ago.


So LGB Oil is ok to use in my Aristo Units?


Dallee is the sound manufacturer that Aristocraft is using at first.

Suggested retail is $110, and no reprogramming module for these units.

prefer Phoenix for the ease of programming sounds, and I have Sierra
for a dedicated sound in my SD-45’s. I will have to try the RDC
unit by Dallee and I hope to get one in York.

I’ve read both sides of the discussion of “yes you can use any oil in any engine” and “no, only use Aristo oil in Aristo engines”, but from my personal experience, I have used LGB in the past in my Aristo and will NOT do so in the future.

Thanks for the help folks!


