When is it appropriate to tell kalmbach you didn’t receive the latest issue of model railroader?
Or does anyone know if some are late?
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When is it appropriate to tell kalmbach you didn’t receive the latest issue of model railroader?
Or does anyone know if some are late?
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You should have received March by now
The April video teaser just came out today, so I suspect it hasn’t shipped yet. My subscription lapsed and nobody told me. Maybe they tried to renew it but my credit card number had changed. I won’t get the April issue. In this day of computers, I don’t see why should take a month to get back in the system.
I usually receive mine by the first week of the prior month. I get February the first week of January, March the first week of Feburay… and so on.
If your March issue is not there yet, you need to let someone know.
Ok. Thanks guys.
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Should have physical march by now for sure. Digital April - well I’m already 3/4 through it. No spoilers on the April Fool joke though.
Because the April issue is already printed and packaged to ship They didnt print one for you. There was a MRVP video where they showed the whole process.
Just as a follow-up…
I recieved my missing issue today.
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That took quite a while. I got my April edition they said I wouldn’t get 2 weeks ago. I almost bought one at Barnes and Noble but they still had March as of that time.
Waiting for May
To be fair to the magazine, I didn’t request a replacement in February when most of the previous replies above were posted. I waited until I recieved the April issue to get my account number from the mailing sticker. So sometime in March I sent the request. Probably took a little over 2 weeks to get it.
I haven’t watched the quad graphics video yet but I’m sure getting a month old issue mailed is an annoying task and probably expensive. The magazine delivered in a shipping envelope in better condition than any other issue in the past 4 years.
The other day I gave up hope and wrote off the missing issue for my collection. However they met if not exceeded my expectations.
As my wife could attest, I could complain. But it wouldn’t be justified… this time [:P].
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Ask your mailman which article he liked best …
Dave Nelson