soundtraxx tsunami

I’m reading some instruction related to a sound/dcc decoder. It mentions Lighting effects.

What are lighting effects? Do I need this?



Lighting effects refers to setting up the decoder and light bulbs (or LEDs) to do things other than just turn on or off. Things like flashing ditch lights, rotarty beacons for the cab roof, Mars lights and other types of oscillating headlights, etc. Do you NEED them? Nope. If your loco is a specific prototype, what you should do depends on what sort of equipment was fitted to the actual loco yours is a model of. If you are freelancing something, the choice is up to you.


Thank you. Very helpful.

Can you believe I can not find 28 gauge wire any where. My hobby shop was out so I looked at Home Depot, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Fry’s Electronics, and auto part stores - rough. I guess I will need to order it online. And all I need to do is wire a speaker. Rough.

Anyway, thanks for the help.


You can buy decoder wire from various DCC suppliers. I usually get by on what I save from fitting decoders to various locos. But then I usually hard-wire mine so there is often excess to cut off. NEVER throw the extra wire away!
