source for ribbon cable

I need a reasonable source for 3,4 & 5 conductor, 26awg solid RIBBON cable. I cannot navigate the filters for Mouser & Digikey to check if they have what I want. If I cannot get solid then stranded would have to do.


Although I have never dealt with either of these companies, I believe that a simple phone call to either will probably connect you with a friendly sales person who would be happy to tell you whether or not what you are looking for is available.

Also you may not find every combination - but you CAN usually get 8 or 10 conductor as a common style, and then just tear it along the spots between the conductors to get the width you want.

Or get it for free - find some old junked computers (pretty old ones - which are mostly useless today, not ones just 3-4 years old), take out the floppy drive and IDE cables. Or even on a newer one, if it has extra USB ports, the ribbon cable for that is usully 5 conductor. I have extras even from my newest system since not all the options always get used, such as the dual USB bracket with ribbon cabled, my case has front mounted USB ports and the cables were part of the case, and they plugged in to those ports on the motherboard.


If no junk PC’s around, the below company sells it. I have bought from this company in the past. There are other similar surplus companies on line.


How long do you need. LION has milse of the stuff, in 2’ lengths from dead PCs. Him uses it for lots of stuff, but not for wiring. Him has lots of sourpuss wire about.

Here is some on a couragated wall. LION mounted it with silicone caulk, so the paint adheared badly, just like on the prototype.


That crafty Lion, him nothing if not clever. I would have never thought of using ribbon cable as corrugatred fence like that. And it looks right, too.


A few years ago I picked up a couple of spools of 3 and 4 (and some 5) wire ribbon wire off of Ebay.

I bought them for my postwar Lionel stuff, and I believe that is what I keyed on for the search. Anyway, I think you will find what you are after on Ebay, and likely at a reasonable price.

Hi again!

I just did a quick search (lionel ribbon wire) and got a few bites. I would try combos of Lionel, Flyer, train, ribbon with the word wire, and you should get all the possibilities you would want.


Mouser does carry what You are looking for…but, at 5.59 a foot that can get pretty costly.

Take a look at some of the E-BAY offerings. I’m sure You can find something without breaking the bank. Take a look:

Take Care! [:D]



I can send you several spools for only the cost of the postage. It MAY be stranded but I will have to check to see if I have any solid. I have all gray or color striped stuff. Send me message if you’re interested.

[I just checked what I have on hand and it IS stranded 24 conductor but I will check another source I have tomorrow and see if there is any solid (I do not recall seeing solid, though)]
