Source of stripe/taping for HO scale roads


I am curious to know if there is a source for taping that can be used for the double yellow lines for HO roads? In my LHS, they have the roads that you unroll, I used WS smooth-it, which worked great. Now I need to add the yellow and white lines. I have check Walthers catalog without any luck. Someone suggested a auto store for pin-striping, but I could not finde yellow and white in a small enough width.


Kevin Coyle


If your LHS also sells either R/C cars or airplanes, they’ll likely have a similar kind of pinstriping for models. I used some on my layout and it didn’t turn out too bad. It comes in rolls in a plastic jar about the size of Floquil paints. Each jar/container contains only one color (yellow or white) but has various line widths.

I’ve seen some layouts where those who had a steady enough hand to use paint, but I’m not one of them. My hand doesn’t want to listen to what the brain tells it to do, so I went with a ready made striping.

Good luck

I use 1/16 " auto pinstripe. In HO that works out to about 5.4 "


Many years ago I bought mine at an Architectural/Art Supply Store.

I’m looking for some too. Scale Scenics makes a product called E-Z Stripes which looks like it will work well but I can’t find anyone who has any right now. Look at page 396 of the 2007 Walthers HO book. I also found some at the local HobbyTown made by GreatPlanes called Kwik Stripe but they were out of white and yellow. I’m going to try an auto parts store today.

KaDee also makes some but they are decals and not tape - Walthers has them in stock but I think I would prefer tape. I found some also at Advance Auto Parts (online) which might work.

Thank you for the information. I do like the idea of the twin lines already on tape. Just need to find someone that carries it as Walthers is out of stock. thank you again.


Your better off painting the yellow first and then taping off the stripes and painting the road its surface color. An artist supply or office supply store should carry chart tape (Geotype) to use for this. Size go down to 1/16" which would be approx. 6" in HO. I just did this using Walther’s street system with a double yellow line down the middle and white lines for parallel parking spots.


The suggestion for places that selll R/C cars and planes is a great idea.

For example, try Tower Hobbies:

Or just do a search for striping. They have tons of kinds.

Yes I wandered into the automobile/airplane model area of the LHS and bought 1/16" yellow tape and it did a good job on my road. But I should say that I also carefully painted over it with matte medium, to both seal it onto my styrene roadway and to kill a slight sheen.

Dave Nelson

Bad news. Walthers still lists EZ stripes, but they’re no longer made. There was a similar thread late last year, and I’d been looking for them for months, too, so I contacted Walthers.

Walthers didn’t bother to investigate, but did give me a phone number for Circuitron, which is the parent of Scale Scenics.

I talked to Steve there, who informed me that the vendor who produced the EZ stripes for them had been sold to Avery Dennison, who seems to have no interest in producing any more.