Hi all,
I am working on a small scene for taking pictures. Do know of any other sources other than Scenic Express for Silflor Brand products? I dont have anything against Scenic Express I am just wondering if the stuff is that hard to find?
I am very impressed with the detail and the easy-to-use system. I’m going to be attempting a new approach to my scenery and I plan on making the scenery have depth instead of just the simple flock foliage. I am going to try and avoid perfectly shaped trees ect so that it keeps the scenery with a greater sense of realism. I’m getting to be a pretty big fan of T’s Custom Trees. You can special order your trees however you would like them. I plan on also adding some Super Tree material to represent scattered deciduous trees.
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Only 99% sure, but I believe Scenice Express is the only distributor in the US.
Scenic Express probably has the exclusive on the line… Which would be a smart business decision.
I’ve never had a bad experience dealing with SE.
Have you checked walthers out? If anyone else has something similar it would be them.
They do not. They sell some scenic express stuff who sells silflor exclusively.
Well I just delt with Scenic Express on the phone the other day and it was a pleasure.
Great customer service. I called at the end of the day and they still managed to get my order out before quitting time. I’m experimenting with my Noch Static Grass applicator as we speak as a result.
The Scenic Express people had a booth at 2009’s Trainfest in Milwaukee, and I sure hope they will be back in 2010. Nice folks, an impressive and attractive large display, a generously given away big all-color catalog (really deluxe) and an array of Silflor products that I had never seen before (or noticed before). If they have the Silflor exclusive then that was a smart business move because while Noch and Busch and other European makes have some interesting parallel products, Silflor has some unique items that the others do not even approximate. Their booth was crammed with customers when I was there, I think again because most of us were seeing close to the full product line for the first time.
Dave Nelson