Anybody from southeastern Pennsylvania out there? I am looking for fellow MRR’s in my area. I have just recently resurrected my trains and am building my first real layout. I was hoping there were some people in my area to get together with.
smitty311, I’m a long way from you but you might tell us just where Southeastern PA is with a little more precision.
This type subject has come up before. Finances forced me to cancel my registration to the NMRA national held in Philly a year ago but there were dozens and dozens of layouts on the sponsored tours so there is a substantial model railroad presence in Southeastern PA whereever that might be.
I have encountered few hobby shops of any consequence that did not have a bulletin board; find a hobby shop - and it doesn’t have to be right next door - and put a note up on that bulletin board. You say they don’t have a bulletin board. Find one that does even if you have to go apiece to do it. And don’t just go in one direction; if, for example, you live in the Pottstown area, don’t just go into Philly but go into Reading and, perhaps, even up to Allentown. Keep in mind that people have varying reasons for why they go places; a model railroader may accompany his wife somewhere and while she browses the flea markets he goes to the hobby shop in that area; your looking for fellow model railroaders and the chances are pretty good that there are model railroaders out there looking for you.
Following up on the above, there is (or was) a very good hobby shop in the Exton Square Mall ( about 30 miles West of Philly) and just across the border in Delaware, there is Mitchell’s Family stores which has a very extensive model railroad department (they also have a website, just google Mitchells Family Stores).
There are numerous clubs in SE PA. Go to the NMRA website and go to their world wide listing of railroad related websites where the clubs are broken down by states.
There are also a number of “rock star” layouts in the area including Ken McCorry’s massive Conrail layout.
There are a number of tourist lines in the area, including the Strasburg RR (there is a hobby shop and club there too) The West Chester raiload (in West Chester - DUH!) The Franklin Institue (a science museum) in Philadelphia has an excellent railroad display in its Hall of Transportation - including a fullsized steam locomotive.
Hi Smitty [#welcome] I’m from PA, but I"m more central, as you could probably guess from my screen name. You never know what the future will bring. Will you be modelling SE PA?
Hey guys. tanks for the info. Yeah, I am actually in Downigtown, PA. About 5 minutes from the Exton Mall. Were you talking about Allied Hobbies? They are no longer in the Mall. Unfortunately, the closest place for me is Hobbytown, but they have almost no selection of train equipment. They don’t even have any steam engines in stock. And the guy told me that there isn’t that many steam engines out there. I was like WHAT! There all over the internet and at many shops that are unfortunately an hour away from me. I’ve been to Mitchells recently. They still have a nice collection there. I have heard Linns Junction in Lansdale is great. I am going to go to Nicholas Smiths tommorow in Broomall.
So if anyone is close to me (45 minutes from D’town) it would be nice to hear from you.
I live in Media…pretty close by. Lots of “train buddies” and great layouts here, but we are into “O” gauge. I’m 15 minutes south of N.Smith Trains, and visit often. I belong to a “O” modular group, and we’ll be set up at the PRR Railroad Museum in Strasburg Oct. 12-14. Email if you wish to see my small but detailed “O” layout. Joe
Im in the doylestown Area… about 40 min north east of Philly. There are a few places in my area that carry a good selection of train stuff. In Doylestown there is Herbs and in Quakertown there is J&D whistle stop. Both real good places.