Something needs to be done to put the kibosh on them.
Ya think?
All of a sudden out of nowhere these spammers are loose. Guess with it being Chinese New Year they have nothing better to do?
I’m no expert, but isn’t that Hindi script?
Either way, hope they get it cleaned up soon.
Sorry, I did not see the existing ‘spammer’ thread as it had been moved so far down the thread list because of all the spam…
Our IT has been alerted and is looking into this right now.
This is getting out of hand, Rene, this is like dealing with a train load of Spam that was placed in an 86’ boxcar and I only have space for a 50’ boxcar
Thanks to those that were able to put all the spam posts in the spam grave.
Hi Everyone
Yes - we were getting hit by spam bots over the weekend. We’re working to remove the posts and increase to spam threshold. These fixes will reduce the 429 errors as well.
More to come
Thank you for the update
Thanks for the work y’all are doing! It really means a lot to us who use these forums as a community!
As to your message to me on February 2 I did not have any spam sent to me. I am on the forum every day.
Thank you I keep getting the 429 error as well as all the spam.
After what happened yesterday and today, I wonder what will be done to prevent future occurrences.
On the old forum, moderators were present on weekends to prevent such outbursts.
hopefully something , keep getting draft open in another window. getting hard to reply keeps popping up.
Yep, you can be right in the middle of typing a reply and up pops that message.
yes three or four times it’s annoying!!
Today, it is almost every time.
YES every time I reply, last time I got a 405 error!!!
Hi everyone,
I’ve noticed the draft pop-up issue as well. I’ve had luck just clicking ‘ignore’ to make the pop up close out and keep my draft open.
We recently installed a plugin to help combat bots, and the good news is that it’s successfully flagging spam posts before they become visible to you.
That said, we’re still working on fully resolving this issue. We’re continually speaking with our Discourse Engineer along with the Discourse Support Team. The goal is to ensure it doesn’t happen again in the future. Like many of you, we’re learning the ins and outs of this new system, and what we discover now will help us prevent similar issues down the road.
We truly appreciate your patience as we continue to fine-tune things