Please explain specifically why the tier 4 locomotives are less fuel efficient.
For the same reasons that the smog control equipment found on 1970s era American cars resulted in lower fuel economy. Even catalytic converters reduce engine efficiency, though far less than some older equipment and their benefits far outweigh the loss.
The current GE and EMD Tier-IV locomotive engines use a technology called exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), which is exactly what it sounds like. Some exhaust is sent back into the air intake where it of course displaces clean air. This results in less oxygen being available to burn the fuel and a lower temperature within the cylinder.
I’m not sure if the locomotive engines also use diesel particulate filters (DPFs), or how the cleaning/regeneration process works if they do.
The reason behind this is the need to reduce the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in order to comply with emission regulations. The higher the cylinder temperature, the more NOx is formed. NOx is but one of several pollutant categories that the emission standards focus on, and tuning the engine to fall within the limits of each category is a fine balancing act, as the settings that reduce some pollutants increase the production of others.
Having less oxygen available in each intake charge means the fuel does not burn as completely, resulting in lower overall engine efficiency and somewhat increased production of soot, unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
In general, the higher the peak temperature, the more efficient an internal combustion engine will be. As SD70Dude pointed out, high peak temperatures also generate more NOx - I recall my engineering thermo prof stating that 2700F was where NOx formation really takes off. The prof had also mentioned that retarding the spark on a gas engine also reducs NOx, but at the cost of power and efficiency.
The issue with high peak temperature is partly associated with engine speed (the faster it is, the shorter the interval for completion of combustion) – this is less of a concern for a 900-1050 range. EGR is also somewhat less of an issue on diesels than on spark engines that don’t run under polynucleate-ignition conditions, but there is still the time involved at ignition temperature for the diluted oxygen to react with the fuel charge.
I think some of the engines do have DPF and associated fuel burn for regeneration. It is just as idiotic and feel-good a method of ‘pollution’ control as on smaller road vehicles. It would certainly account for lower ‘mile per gallon’ fuel economy, but of course why let a little something like higher carbon-emission mass get in the way of soot reduction. (The problem here is that visible soot isn’t the major health concern of diesel PM; it’s nanoparticulates from early quench, which happily scoot through any practicable DPF and the generation of which is enhanced by typical NOx-reducing approaches on turbo engines…)
When FGR/EGR require gas cooling for their use, you start to get the issues Shadow’s owner repeatedly mentions. If the exhaust were nice clean ‘spent’ gas, there would be comparatively little issue with it. But often enough to matter it is not, and I have yet to see any system that only enables the EGR when gas quality is suitable.
I also have not seen EGR systems, even on large turbo engines, that do not have some degree of gas cooling (usually separate from formal intercooling arrangements). All the heat so removed is thermal energy ‘bought and paid for with fuel consumption’ that cannot be used to improve subsequent compression-ignition temperature rise…
The thing I continue to find a little astounding is that modern engines that need to use DEF/urea also continue to use wack DFP and regeneration and employ complicated EGR for "NOx r
My take is similar to the above , mostly .
All internal combustion engines need a heat source and works like this .
Chemical energy/heat energy/pressure energy , push the pistons spin the crank turn the alternator etc .
The whole point is to get the most heat to develop the most torque for the least amount of fuel bought and paid for .
The function of exhaust gas recirculation is to reduce combustion temperatures below the point where Nitrogen Oxide (NO) production really takes off . Just on “NOx” . This is a bone head term used to describe the bonding of 1 nitrogen atom with one oxygen atom .
Cooling exhaust gas for recirc is not an issue as far as heat or energy loss is concerned . Its about trying to keep inlet charge gasses cool , non cooled EGR probably undoes part of what inlet air intercooling does . The issue with EGR cooling is passing a dirty oily gass through a cooling core and trying not to choke it with coagulated oil soot moisture etc .
Anyway , anything that reduces combustion temperatures reduces the thermally driven expansion that pushes cylinder pressures up and drives the pistons down their cylinders . Heat loss is power loss , you are basically not getting all of the energy potential for the amount of fuel injected .
Rail Road operators are not stupid , they pay huge fuel bills so wouldn’t be real interested in buying new power with increased complexity , pathetic reliability , AND increased fuel consumption . Why would they bother when they can rebuild older units to say T3 performance/reliability/fuel consumption .
The thing I’d like to know is the costings involved with DEF . It has to be significant otherwise the rebuilding of older power would not be going at the rate that it is .
The guy I once worked for at a major North American manufacturer of automobiles told me that the limit on compression ratio, whether for a diesel or a “fast burn” gasoline engine that tolerates a higher compression ratio on regular-grade gasoline, is engine friction. That is, there are diminishing returns in overall efficiency when boosting engine efficiency only to have the increase engine power go into the friction of piston rings and bearings acting against the higher compression pressures.
Don’t know, however, if this observation scales to the much larger cylinders in locomotive diesels.
The other thing he told was that the “three-way catalyst combined with stoichiometric combustion (stoichiometric combustion that is regulated by those exhaust O2 sensors monitored by the engine computer adjusting the air-fuel ratio) will restore fuel economy to the pre-emission control level.” This was a prophecy at the time I was told this because the three-way NOx-reducing catalytic converter was still in the R&D phase and only Volvo had this on a production car, but this prophecy was informed by what the R&D people had learned at the major auto companies. By this, he meant that the three-way catalyst would undo the loss in power and fuel economy from the 1970’s era smog controls, and it certainly did once it made its way into production cars.
So exhaust after treatment is indeed the way to go, after treatment of a diesel requires DEF, the trucking industry has embraced DEF as the way forward from those horrid engine-wrecking economy-robbing EGR systems as our colleague commenter here can attest, and why the railroad industry won’t go that route is another of life’s little mysteries.
As to wh
One thing I am curious about is why the railroads even have the option of rebuilding the older Tier 3 units? I guess in most states, you had the option of keeping your old car, but cars last only so long before it becomes prohibitively expensive – rebuilding engines or transmissions is usually not an economic proposition on passenger cars.
Do truck operators have the option of rebuilding older trucks that do not meet Tier 4 or whatever rule they have to adhere to?
I’ve come across a couple of news reports about modifying the injectors in diesel engies to be like Bunsen burners. The first was a report on work being done at Sandia, and the more recent one was a patent applciation or grant from Japan that seemed to describe the same thing. IIRC. Sanda claimed that the device reduced NOx as well a particulates, while not having a negative impact on efficiency.
My guess is that the tubes promote the vaporization and fuel air mixing before initiation of combustion which reduces particulates. NOx reduction may come about when running with excess air, were the excess air cools the flame.
Friction limiting of the compression ratio makes sense, especially when coupled with the extra engine weight needed to handle the higher forces involved. Another limitation on compression ratio is valve lift, which would impact “breathing”. Friction can be partly overcome by using longer connecting rods for a given stroke, resulting in less side thrust (Volvo did this for a “low friction engine”). Valve lift issues can be addressed by a more undersquare bore/stroke ratio - the Ford 302 V-8 and the Cummins BT6 both had roughly 4 inch bores, but the stroke on the 302 was 3 inches, while the stroke on the BT6 was 4.8 inches.
Things are very different for a spark ignition petrol burning engine .
NO emissions aside petrol engines are regulated by an air throttle or strangler valve if you like . When you strangle an engine in this way you reduce the amount of air flowing into the cylinders , the important bit here is that the less air in means less to compress so the effective or “dynamic” CR is less than the “measured” by volume - static CR . Lets just say that you cars static CR is 9 to 1 , at part throttle cruise being strangled it may be only 5 to 1 . If the static CR was 11 to 1 the strangled/dynamic CR will be higher . The pay off is more part throttle torque leading to smaller throttle openings and better fuel consumption .
Everything I’ve read or experienced showed me that fuel octane is the limiting factor with petrol engine static CRs . An engine that detonates is an engine that will cause itself internal damage . Nock sensors are there to sense this and retard ignition timing to prevent detonation and damaged engines . This is also the reason why cars can be run on fuels that don’t have sufficient octane to make best mean torque and get best consumption . Retarded ignition timing has a significant effect on combustion efficiency and fuel consumption , but thats better than fried pistons and blown head gaskets .
Oxygen sensors , these were about allowing your engines computer/ECU to run at around stoi or about 14.7 to 1 air fuel ratio . This was supposedly the ideal AF ratio , ie you burn all the fuel and all the oxygen to be in theory neither rich or lean . Cat converters like the ideal AFR because this allows them to get and stay hot to do the job they were intended to . In some cases leaner than stoi is used but combustion temps can’t be allowed to get too hot or again engine damage and NO emmissions get out of hand . EGR was one method used to control combustion temps . Another thing with EGR is that adding an incombustable gas to the inlet charge means that cruise
The reason for the computer-controlled 14.7:1 air/fuel ratio is the three-way catalyst, a newer type of catalytic converter that performed “after treatment” that removed NOx, one of the pollutants that contributes to smog, from the exhaust. I am not familiar with the details of the chemical reactions, but I have seen the graphs, and the three-way catalyst is only effective in a very narrow range of the 14.7:1 ratio where air and fuel are in their “stoichiometric” ratio of chemical balance.
That Major North American Manufacturer of automobiles was investigating an alternative approach to achieving the strict regulations on NOx emissions without the three-way catalyst. That gasoline engine used 1) direct-cylinder fuel injection, 2) a piston with a cupped depression where the fuel injection was aimed, 3) a much higher compression ratio but using only regular unleaded fuel, 4) two spark plugs per cylinder, 5) a lean (higher than 14.7:1) air-fuel ratio and 6) a high level of “swirl” on intake and “squish” on the compression stroke, 6) very high rates of EGR, not only to combat NOx but to also reduce “pumping losses” by operating the engine at part load with much less throttle restriction.
That engine never made it into production, although 40 years later, that manufacturer and others introduced engines with direct-cylinder fuel injection. Furthermore, some of the “tricks” to reduce the susceptibility to knock must have been incorporated into modern engines, which have crept upwards in compression ratio while operating on regular fuel.
Interestingly enough, that direct-cylinder fuel injection gasoline engine from 40 years ago introduced the problem of emitting fine-particle smoke that Overmod writes about. Based on that engine, one could say that there is a continuum of solutions to the combustion problem that combine attributes of traditional gasoline and diesel engines.
My informant back
I kept trying to post yesterday but Kalmbach kept blanking so I gave up.
The “NOx” is a Government thing, and in my opinion verging on a scam of sorts. The primary pollutant from combustion is nitrogen oxide, NO. This is converted in photochemical smog in the atmosphere into nitrogen dioxide, NO2, which is a nasty respiratory irritant among other things and facilitates ozone generation. The Government’s primary concern is abatement of the latter, but as this requires ‘attention to the former’ to actually reduce, the responses involve “NOx” (the ‘x’ being a catchall to describe any number of oxygens bonded to nitrogen). It’s snappier and more scientistic than “NO/NO2” and it has that nifty semantic implication of NOxious.
Where the scam aspect comes in is that the reactions in the atmosphere that produce pollutants like PAN require fairly high concentrations of HC, hydrocarbons from improper combustion, which of course in the bad old days of the '60s and early '70s with huge carbureted engines were lavishly present. The intervening years of practical modulated fuel injection, careful computer monitoring and control even in transient operation, near-pervasive use of catalyst aftertreatment, and increased overall fuel economy and smaller vehicle size have reduced HC emissions enormously… meaning that the aspects other than ozone generation are likewise reduced. But you’d never guess that from the government emphasis on “NOx” reduction via ever-more-stringent standards-making for engines or other high-temperature combustion sources like cyclone furnaces.
It was my understanding that the reaction to reduce NO necessarily involved the presence of CO at the catalytic site, and that a primary purpose of the ‘pre’ and ‘post’-cat oxygen sensors was to assure that this monoxide would be present to deal with NO, but then not ‘make it out of’ the converter.