I’m somewhat new and building a around the wall layout with spurs to industries in a room about 12 x 10, I have 3 SPDT atlas selector switches, can these be used for block control with gaps in each side of the track and to use 2 wires one for C and the other for power, and what side of the rail is Common or can I make ether side C or what , I’m running DC. and right now I don’t have the money for DCC but have a lot of stuff for DC. Thanks for any help.Ron
Yes, the selector switches work just fine for DC block control. You only need to shut down one lead, and it really doesn’t matter which one (assuming of course that block is totally isolated from other blocks.
In my opinion, working with and learning about wiring a DC layout will greatly help you make the transition some day to DCC. Its also less expensive, and DC is more “forgiving” than DCC.
I say this from experience, for I’ve been a DC MR since the early '60s, and only just last year went to DCC.
Atlas compones are designed for common rail wiring. So you have to make one rail common, it doesn’t need insulated joiners. It doesn’t matter WHICH rail you make common, but it must remain consistent. You can;t have the inner rail on one section common and then switch to the outer rail in the next block.
The ‘common’ mistake is thinking that since one rail is common and has no insulated rail joiners, you only need a single feed to it. This will likely bring headaches as your trains stall due to lack of power on the common rail side (rail joiners are NOT great electrical connections).
My main line has gaps already with a wire on both tracks as feeder wires and my spur tracks to industries are gaped on both sides and I am using the atlas spdt switches is this ok to still use two wires on each section of flex track to power my blocks and if so what is the best way to do this? No track doubles back onto itself. Just have a main line around the room with 4 spurs coming off the main line in different places. Thanks
The easiest way to do this, and it will also give you more reliable power feed, is to run all your block feed wires to a terminal strip. attach all rails on the same side together with jumpers at the strip, making this your common rail. Feed this directly to one side of your power pack. The other side of your power pack goes to the SPDT switches, then run lines from each switch to the terminal strip connection for the individual blocks.
It does not matter which rail you use as the common rail. Pick one, but stay with it. It will work just fine with the Atlas SPDT switches. When you become more adventurous, you can use your double gap rail system to incorporate 2 cab control. I suggest the DPDT center off toggle switches. You can find these at Radio Shack or something similar. This way you can control 2 different trains at the same time using the “block system”. The DPDT can be thrown for cab A and another part of the layout can be thrown for cab B. You can “park” locomotives on any part of the layout, particularly passing sidings or spur tracks will the DPDT switch is in the center off position.