Looking for opinions on quality speakers to fit HO Diesel bodies.
What has everybody found to be the best ?
Looking for opinions on quality speakers to fit HO Diesel bodies.
What has everybody found to be the best ?
This is too loaded a question. Define “best.” Best for what, best sound, best fit, best price? No speaker is suitable for all purposes. No speaker fits every diesel body, and many diesel bodies have no room for a speaker, so there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” or “best” speaker.
That is easy. “The Big One”. However, they do not fit in any but the largest HO locomotives like dummy F units.
I guess a short answer as to the best speaker would be “as big as possible, with a proper enclosure”. A 1" round speaker delivers great sound, but can be hard to get into HO engines other than E or F units. Sometimes you can fit one into the cab with a little work. A few Kato engines have space built in the fuel tanks for a 1" speaker to fit.
I have several Atlas engines (GP’s, Alco’s) with 1/2" round speakers in them. I recently replaced one with a 1/2" by 1" oval speaker from QSI and was impressed enough by the increase in volume and quality that I’ll probably replace the 1/2" round with the oval speaker (assuming I can fit it in all of them).
(Sorry, duplicate post)
I installed the 1.06in QSI extended bass speaker with it’s baffel in a dummy P2k E8. I pointed it downward, through the opening in front of the tank. I was very pleased with the frequency response overall, but it was a little too “plastic” sounding to me, so I covered about half of the baffel with museum putty. [:)] I like it, and have gotten several raves on it at the club. The sound is not exactly like the real thing, but it’s “to scale”. What I mean by that, is hearing a full frequency, real loco sound coming from a little model or everywhere in the room or layout ( one system I heard actually vibrated me with the bass) just doesn’t fit the scale of things…for me. I prefer a decent, scaled down sound coming from my scale model. On the other end, I’m not impressed with the tinny, toy-like sound of so many of the stock/factory systems either. I require some degree of bass and high frequency response, but not to the point of shaking the room and “over powering” the model. [2c]
Yes…it even doubles as a little-metal-thing-picker-upper…
David B