Spectrum 2-10-2 vs. IHC 2-10-2

I’ve been reading mixed reviews on both of these locomotives. Would appreciate some feedback on reliability, which dcc decoders would work, detail vs. generic, etc. Thanks [:)]

Me too. Which one pulls the most?

Pulling ability isn’t the only thing that’s important in a steam locomotive. Looks, overall running abilities, and sturdiness all play a part.

I own one of the new Bachmann 2-10-2s, and have studied one of the IHCs closely (out of the box). Here’s my take:

Looks: Bachmann wins hands down. It’s a little on the spartan side when it comes to detailing, but at least it’s a model of a real engine. The IHC engine is a Frankenstein’s monster, with an overall look that’s to modern for any 2-10-2 and detailing that’s very crude, and worse still, completely imappropriate (it’s got trailing trick booster steam lines, but a Cole trailing truck which CANNOT have a booster, and the feedwater system is a mix of a Worthington coil and an Elesco pump. Finally, it’s only got one air pump and 99% of real 2-10-2s hade two, especially on engines this big)

Pulling: both engines are a little light (at least compared to a Bowser or Mantua), so they’re only likely to pull 20-25 cars tops. But how many of us have layouts tat will support trains that long? For 90% of the layouts they’re likely to see service on they’ll pull just fine. The Bachmann engine is a little heavier, and is balanced a little better.

Overall running/performance: I’ve only test run mine, so I can only assume that, based on my past experiences with both manufacturers, the Bachmann will run slower and more smoothly, and the IHC won’t heat up as readily (meaning that you can run them for 10+ hours per day on a display layout)

I just got the Bachmann version. There were some issues that I had to straighten out and once I removed the Bachmann DCC system, circuit board and all, The engine ran faster and smoother. I was also able to put 2.25 oz forward of the motor which balanced the engine on the centre Drivers. She’s a keeper for sure.
