Spectrum USRA 2-6-6-2 (HO scale)

Having read mostly positive comments here about the (HO scale) Spectrum 2-6-6-2, I finally broke down and purchased one for $135.00, plus $13.00 shipping. So I"ll be feeling a little anxious for the next couple of weeks until it arrives (I can’t wait, feel like a little kid). I was hoping that someone could answer 2 questions about this loco. First, did any of the model railroading magazines publish a review of it? Also, does the C & 0 version replicate fairly well the H5 it is supposed to represent? And does anyone know the exact overall length of the loco and tender together?Thanks for any help, and sorry if these questions have been asked a zillion times before. As helpful as everybody is on this forum, I didn’t think you’d mind if they were being asked again.[:D]


MRJune 2004. That’s all I can do for you unless you want me to mail you a copy.
Just let me know.


Thanks, guys! That was just what I needed.[tup]
