I just saw 3 of this style spine car for the first time the other day:
They appear to be a fairly interesting car to model, I just would like to know more about them. Anyone have access to drawings or just more information on these cars? Also, the containers (the ones I saw were a dark blue with white lettering) look rather smaller than what I am used to seeing, what size are these containers and what kind of loads are they used for? The 3 cars I saw were on the NS line on the east side of Lafayette, Indiana headed east with 13 locos on the point!! Any info anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
A little google work found the following on the same site as the photos - these are cars used to transport radioactive waste. Judging by the shape and size of the containers, I’d guess they are used for low-level waste - things like gloves, suits, tools, etc. Similar lowsided containers are used over here on this type of traffic, so I’m guessing this is what they are. There also appears to be little shielding, and the car does not appear to be particularly reinforced against collisions, which would suggest low-level waste. I’m not sure whether the cars are dedicated to this service - the fact that the other photo has a different reporting mark would suggest that this design is owned by more than one operator though. Hope this is of help!
As a UP conductor once told me, “Only believe half of what you read and none of what you hear.” My guess is the radioactive waste information is from a railfan site, and therefore probably wrong. It appears that Greenfield Logistics may transport radioactive materials. The Small Business Administation lists Greenfield Logistics’ address as the same on for Broken Arrow, Inc (http://www.brokenarrowusa.com/contact.html). This company list radioactive decontamination as one of its services. However, the manufacturer says nothing about the cars being designed for such service. It may be possible that these cars have carried heavily reinforced dumpsters carrying junk with a very low level radioactive contamination.
Click on the “Articulate Bulk Container Car” link on the manufacturer’s page (linked below).
Some of the wild rumors on some railfan sites are just amazing.
Thanks for the links. The manufacturer’s page had a drawing and enough info to base a model off of. Thanks again.
I recently read a quote (from ericsp, posted January 1, 2005) who stated misinformation about our company, Greenfield Logistics. Greenfield Logistics was purchased by Cedar Mountain Environmental, Inc and is no longer with Broken Arrow, Inc. Information about our company can be found at www.cmenvironmental.com. The decontamination Service that Eric was referring to is something that happens to containers after a shipment when they are washed and then surveyed to ensure that no radioactive contamination remains on the container. Greenfield does offer such decontamination services. As you will note on our website, our intermodals are manufactured to carry such radioactive material as Class A low level radioactive waste/debris and other types of hazardous material. Greenfield Logistics provides a valuable environmental service in the safe transportation of these materials using trucks or railcars (articulated bulk container cars or “spine cars”). I encourage everyone to visit our website if they prefer accurate information!
Why does Broken Arrow , Inc still have a greenfieldlogistics.com e-mail address on its contact page?
Why does Cedar Mountain Environmental not come up with a search for “Greenfield Logistics”? I used more than one search engine to perform the search. If you want people to come to your website, then make sure it can be fairly easily found. Also, if you do not want “misinformation” stated about your company, then you need to talk to Broken Arrow and the SBA.
Also, did you notice such phrases as “my guess”, “it appears”, and “it may be possible”? I did not state anything about Greenfield as a fact. Furthermore, my guess about your containers and what you said about them seem to be very similar. I suggest you reread my original post.