Got yet another one for my Forum friends. Has anybody worked with spotlights on their layouts at all? I have a theater based on the one in this picture:,-105.8465415,3a,75y,305.34h,91.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGpQcnnnDdTcLRQabrnejRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. I would like to light up the name of the theater and maybe under the marquee. The prototype uses neon for the name and the under marquee using regular bulbs. I had the thought of using some JP small spotlights for the name. (I already have the system installed on the layout anyway.) I have no idea for under the marque. The building is a slightly modified Walthers Rivoli Theater kit. (Scratchbuild the name sign and attached it.)
As I have never seen the JP spots in person, I would like people’s opinions on their use and how to aim them. I would also like any ideas of the under lights.
As usual, any ideas would be most welcomed.