Spotlight and Other Lighting Use

Got yet another one for my Forum friends. Has anybody worked with spotlights on their layouts at all? I have a theater based on the one in this picture:,-105.8465415,3a,75y,305.34h,91.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGpQcnnnDdTcLRQabrnejRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656. I would like to light up the name of the theater and maybe under the marquee. The prototype uses neon for the name and the under marquee using regular bulbs. I had the thought of using some JP small spotlights for the name. (I already have the system installed on the layout anyway.) I have no idea for under the marque. The building is a slightly modified Walthers Rivoli Theater kit. (Scratchbuild the name sign and attached it.)

As I have never seen the JP spots in person, I would like people’s opinions on their use and how to aim them. I would also like any ideas of the under lights.

As usual, any ideas would be most welcomed.

I do have a couple of these JP spots purchased out of curiosity but haven’t opened them yet. Next week I can give it a try and post some examples. I too considereed using it for a theater marquee or rooftop billboard.

I illuminated a laser-cut sign using these nice, little flood lights:

GE_front-sign-foundation by Edmund, on Flickr

GE_front-sign by Edmund, on Flickr

I found them at one of the ebay sellers, Wehonest or Evemodel, forget which one.

Good Luck, Ed

I’ve seen those as well. They are on my “Watch List” along with the JP ones.