Spray booths

The recent MicroMark mailing has a 20% off code. That got me thinking that maybe it was time to start considering a spray booth again.

I generally use the paint outdoors or in the garage method but realize a permanent setup would be more convenient. Over the years I have read many threads on here describing the excellent setups that have been built and I am sure I could cobble together those ideas and make one myself. The problem is that I have many other projects on the layout that have a higher priority and I don’t want to put the time into building one.

Commercially available units come in many flavors and have a huge price range. If you use one of those would you mind sharing your experiences?

Rick, I started out with the same idea as yours to buy a commercially available spray booth. But after researching the subject and considering price and features, I decided to build my own spray booth.

I had plenty of plywood available so I modeled my spray booth after this DIY model:


After building it, I added an air filter, exhaust fan and vent tube. It didn’t take me all that long to build it, and the air filter, exhaust fan and vent tube cost less than $100 in total.


I started out with a micromark both kit. served me well for many years. The structures out grew it. and of course the large scale. both required a larger box. The venting equipment will be reused for venting the 3d printer if i need too.

I purchased my spray booth from Amazon.

It’s very similar, if not exactly the same, as the MicroMark version here > https://www.micromark.com/Fold-Up-Spray-Booth

The Amazon version was a bit cheaper, and includes the venting kit. (New ones also have LED lighting, which I had to add in myself on mine.)

Be warned, the filter does plug up quick, so get a extra filter for it.