Stainz Loco

I think my Stainz has got a worn tyre (tire), does anyone one know if this is likely and what are the symptons; ie mine looks shiny and it seems to have lost a fair bit of traction.

Are they hard to change?

Any advice


Hi Ian
I just took a look at my two the new one has a dull tyre the old one a shiny
If you are loosing traction first things first do you have any oil or other slipery type muck on the wheels
If not then it would be a reasonable assumption
that the tyre needs replacing it will be a bit tricky to get off the old and the new one into place but should be fairly straight forward.
how old is the loco
My old one is of indeterminate age as it is third hand but has metal coupling rods and is just about due for new wheels.
The big trick will be just getting a replacement tyre I would get a couple if you bank balance will handle it
regards John

Hello Ian,
I changed the tyre on my stainz in the summer.It did make quite a bit if difference.I bought a bag of about 10.I don’t know the LGB number for them because as usual I ripped the top off and threw it away! Pretty easy to change,only about 2 little nuts as I remember.Make sure you do it in a place where you can find them after being dropped.

Thank you gentlemen, Ill give it a go. My Stainz was my first purchase and was part of a starter set that got me going in this activityin the first place.

I had trouble with my Mallet slipping as well (this is almost sacrilege) cleaned the wheels and it is ok now but my Stainz isn’t ; it definitely looks shinier than the Mallets tyre (tire)

Regrds Ian


Here’s the part numbers since I don’t know what size wheels a stainz has on it I will give you both. For the 37.5mm traction tyres it’s part number 69104. For the 46.5mm traction tyres it’s part number 69184. US prices seem pretty reasonable on them usd $7.99 and$14.99 respectively for a package of 10. Hope that helps.


buy lgb it never neds anything