Start from scratch or set?

For nik_n_dad, and other Safari users:

There was a recent post (I think it was in response to a previous similar comment by you) to put a "

" at the end of each paragraph to get a line break. That’s what I have started doing, and it seems to get the job done. Try it.

  • Gerhard

Edit: Well, I guess I can’t print that symbol because the forum software just does the line break, without showing the symbol itself.

Let me try this: It’s a 3-element symbol, but without the spaces you will (maybe) see here: < P >

Edit #2: Well, even with extra spaces inserted, it apparently recognizes it as a symbol. So: it’s a “less than” sign, then a capital P, then a “larger than” sign.

If you see this post, try replying to it, using this symbol to check out that it works. Good luck!

  • Gerhard

Another question is “What is your budget?” Is it a one time thing or is it an on-going per month number? That will tell all.