started researching the protoype tonight!

Thanks to, I have come up with a 10 industries, not counting the team track and freight house, in Hannibal, MO. On a 4x8, that’ll be too much, so when I can expand even more I’ll be able to have a great layout of the Burlington and Wabash. The list of indy’s includes a feed mill (a thing taken for granted up here in the Midwest), a shoe manufacturer, three coal and lumber companies, and an oil company. Now I need to find pictures, locations, etc. so I can (a wonderful word for the old-timers) SCRATCHBUILD them.[8D]

Happy Modeling,


This question more properly belongs in the layout portion of the forum. Likely you will have better results posting it there. As you do not mention scale and era of your project it is impossible to know if my experience and information would be of help to you. As a general comment I would suggest you pare the number of industries down to 2 or at the most 3 for the size you have to work with.


Try going to Google, go to Images and type in the name of the town you are interested in. When you find an image that you want you click on it and you go to the website that contains the image
I suspect you will be surprised by how much is on the internet.

Dave Nelson

For some inspiration on scratchbuilding, check out my friend, Ray Tutaj’s website at:

It may further inspire you to realize that he is also “legally” blind. He used to live in Mendota, IL but recently moved closer to me, about a 3-5 minute drive from me! He’s a great guy and gifted modeler.

tyr google