Starter set as a kid

I never actually got a starter set for Christmas, but I did get $25 for Christmas (1946) so I bought my own starter set. It was an American Flyer freight. Always wanted a Lionel set but we could not afford it. I later added another American Flyer set (Passenger). They were both destroyed in a flood in the 60’s. I then started with HO. In 1999 I got my first G Scale starter set. It no longer runs, but I have it mounted permanently on the roof of our carport/pergola.

I’d like to see a picture of that ! I’ve interesting things done on clients houses but never that !

Poor ole Santa never bought or gave me a set. [|(]

I was three months old and dad bought me a Lionel set. Still run it today. Its in my bedroom. going around the ceiling. Wish we could afford one for my son. He is looking for LIONEL Thomas the tank engine.

It was the late 30’s, maybe 1938. I was still in grade school but Richard, my older brother by 4 years, was able to hook up all the wires (I was amazed by his knowledge) but he was the most unselfish person I’ve known.
It was a Lionel, Commodore Vanderbilt engine and three streamlined articulated cars. My family was far from rich, depression still on, Dad never keeping a job long, oldest brother contributing most. Still in awe that we had one.
Later we switched to HO; Richard became an income tax man for Illinois, and I worked on computers after studying electronics.
He’s gone now, the HO is in storage and the LGB comes out at special times, like holidays and Xmas.
Sabababa, if you’re reading this, don’t give up hope. Like my family, I too have had hard times and not enough time to spend with my children. But I still loved them. And they are all now able to get the things they need and WANT. Be patient and work towards your goals.

No one ever gave me a starter set or any trains at all, thats why I am like I am now. Bah Humbug


Doreen are you listening? HINT!

My first set was an American Flyer that had 2 locos,a Reading 4-4-2, and a C&NW Baldwin diesel switcher and about 10 freight cars with 2 cabooses.The track included 2 switches. that was a great presant[:D]!I am now in HO.