Starting an operating club

I am looking for some more information on the best way to start a model railroad operating club. Can anybody help me with this topic?

If you like politics,this is the thing for you.However,with mixed personalities things can get heated.Put a post in all the sites to find modelers in your area and see what kind of interest you can generate.Without members there is no club.Id go that way first.Sometimes youll be surprised a model railroader lives right down the street or a stones throw away.I was participating at a site and found two other members close by.Were now good friends who share the same interest and have a great time going to shows.Its also nice to have a couple of people to give you a hand when building yours or helping them which will give you some experience before you start your own.Post a question asking if there are any other modelers in your city.Could do it here and any other sites you get into.Hope this helps.

the info you sent helps. I am really just looking other fellow modelers whom I can gather with and maybe create a “club” layout. Thanks again.