Starting out

How’d you get started in the hobby? for me, it was a love of trains. That led to several HO sets, which became nothing. Then, I got a Bachmann Iron Duke N-scale set when I was 8/9, and that has grown to a layout after 5/4 years. What’s your story.

I got my first “big” train set for Christmas when I was five years old back in the late 1960s. Please don’t ask what scale or gauge it was because I don’t recall. Then I got an HO TYCO set for Christmas in the mid 1970s. Soon there after one of the kids in the neighborhood turned me onto N scale. Fifteen years went by where I had little or no interest in trains at all, and then in the late 80s I rediscovered N scale when someone at work left a magazine on the table in the lunch room that had a special story in it about electric trains. The next thing I know I’m building a small 3 X 4 table top layout with an oval track and small town in the middle. At that time I bought almost everything at Toys R Us. Then from the early 90s until about four years ago I shelved everything until a friend of mine got into trains and the fever started all over again… I admit I’m not really, really into it right now like I was a couple of years ago, but it sure is nice to have my layout to turn to when there’s nothing else to do - especially in the winter or on rainy days when I can’t get out and do anything outside. And so, that’s my story…


What got me started? A Marklin O scale train set that I got in 1965. It was a 6 unit freight train pulled by an E7A-B set. The next year I got a Lionel Double Diesel set. After that it was a layout on a 10 X 6 plywood sheet. It had two mainlines, one in HO and the other OO. It snowballed from there.