Starting Over

I used to be involved in Garden Railroading and I had a small layout in my backyard at my old house. After a few years of living in my new house I’m thinking about building a new layout.

Today at Hobby Lobby, I bought a Bachmann Big Hauler set for 79.00 on close out. It is the Pennsylvanian. Can someone suggest the best source (best price)for inexpensive good quality outdoor track. I used mostly Aristo-Craft on my old layout. I thought there might be some new stuff I’m unaware of. Thanks in advance.

Aristocraft is good track as well as USA etc. I think you might be in for sticker shock as the price of metals have really gone up. Glad you’re getting back in the hobby ,good luck and have fun !

  1. track price went way up

  2. LGB is out of business

So [#welcome] back


Hi We over the pond use Peco track just as good as LGB but cheaper. I think its available on your side, try a few suppliers.

Check the ads in the GR mag, there are several new manufacturers in the arena in the last few years, and some who have gone bye bye! Nobody has yet mentioned AMS for brass.

My personal take is that the Aristo Stainless is “King of the Hill”, and well worth the bit of a premium in price!