I am building a new N scale layout using using Atlas 2700 and 2701 remote switches, can anyone recommend DCC decoders that will work well with these turnouts, and my Zephry DCC controller?
Cross posted from Layouts and Layout Building
I am building a new N scale layout using using Atlas 2700 and 2701 remote switches, can anyone recommend DCC decoders that will work well with these turnouts, and my Zephry DCC controller?
Cross posted from Layouts and Layout Building
Lenz’s LS150 looks decent - has 6 outputs, feels well-engineered. I have one that came with my DCC starter kit though I’ve not yet got around to fitting it - might use it on a future extension board. The problem for me is that there are 6 outputs and I seldom have more than 3 switches on a module, so end up “wasting” some outputs!