I am new to the site. I have a keen interest in trains at Allandale. In 1960 my family moved to Allandale .It was at that time my fascination with trains began. The Allandale station/yard was my “play ground” for the next 5 years. Always full of adventure, mishap and sometimes trouble…but then what 10 to 15 year old boy didn’t get into trouble.
Anyway, I am anxious to get hold of a copy of Staem at Allandale by Ian Wilson.
Any ideas…I would take a used copy if need be!
Hi there. Unfortunatly the book has been out of print for several years. The museum I belong to has sold all of Ian’s books to date and this is the one that no one seems to give up. Used copies are unfortunatly near impossible to pick up. The only suggestion I can make to you is try ebay or hit your local train shows. If you are in Ontario you may find that they surface on occation at the various swap meets. I haven’t seen a used one show up at a show for less than *$80 though. You might be interested to know that his sixth book on CNR steam covering Northern Ontario is due out at the Copetown Ontario show in early February next year. Good luck in your hunt.
Thanks Rob…i will take your advice.
You are most welcome. If youn are interested in classic trains disscussions of all falvours. Pop by the Our Place thread on this site. I try to add bit’s of Ian’s wisdom to some of the disscussions there. Take a peak.
Hi there,Ian has a website called Canadian Branchline
( sorry,cant recall the URL ,but your search engine should pick it up ) they might be able to help. At least one of the members has some pix posted of his model of Allendale under steam,which is worth a look in it
s own right-wouldnt mind a copy of the book myself,but wholly unavailable over here in U.K. Good hunting,and I
ll echo Robs invitation to call in to Our Place
. All the best,nick
E-bay has a “want it now” option that you might try. I just looked to see if your book was there. It wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be if you let sellers know you are looking for it. Good luck!