steam Canadian Pacific

Hi, I`m Christian from Germany,

did anyone knows how many numbers the Canadian Pacific T1b-c had? Had anyone drawings or blueprints of this engine(2-10-4 streamlined)?Can anyone say something about the paint or give a advice what´s modelpaint whould be right? Did anybody knows a company who make parts for it for example the pilot(pictures from this engine are one

Thank you very munch for answer me!


Looks like you triplicated (tripled) your post. You can and should delete the other two duplicate threads before someone posts on them.


Well I believe they were painted Canaidan Pacific maroon and gray just like the CP’s other streamlined (or semi-streamlined) passenger engines. These engines were used in the mountains to pull the CP’s top passenger trains up steep grades where a high-drivered engine like a Royal Hudson wouldn’t work so well.

The CPR received 10 T1B’s (numbers 5920 to 5929) from Montreal Locomotive Works in November-December 1938 and 6 T1C’s (numbers 5930 to 5935) from Montreal Locomotive Works in February-March 1949. You’ll find a photo of 5934 (originally 5931) and 5935 on my photo page at

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