did anyone knows how many numbers the Canadian Pacific T1b-c had? Had anyone drawings or blueprints of this engine(2-10-4 streamlined)?Can anyone say something about the paint or give a advice what´s modelpaint whould be right? Did anybody knows a company who make parts for it for example the pilot(pictures from this engine are one www.rr-fallenflags.org)?
Well I believe they were painted Canaidan Pacific maroon and gray just like the CP’s other streamlined (or semi-streamlined) passenger engines. These engines were used in the mountains to pull the CP’s top passenger trains up steep grades where a high-drivered engine like a Royal Hudson wouldn’t work so well.
The CPR received 10 T1B’s (numbers 5920 to 5929) from Montreal Locomotive Works in November-December 1938 and 6 T1C’s (numbers 5930 to 5935) from Montreal Locomotive Works in February-March 1949. You’ll find a photo of 5934 (originally 5931) and 5935 on my photo page at http://www.railroadforums.com/photos/showgallery.php/cat/500/page/2/ppuser/3182