steam loco question

at a museum, I saw a large scale model of a steam loco with two sets of drivers with the cylinders between the sets of drivers:

ooOOO cc OOOoo–[tender] c=cylinders

(the cylinders were back-to-back, mid loco) was this configuration actually used? As far as I can tell this was not a Garrett.


Was this museum in Canada by any chance? The reason I say that, it runs inn my mind that the Canadian Pacific had some articulated locomotives using that layout for sevice on the steep grades in the Rocky Mountains. Don’t think they were 4-6-6-4, though. I’ll have to check.

There were some European designs which placed the cylinders in odd places (odd to American eyes, anyway) and some of those were shipped to South America. Don’t know of any US examples of that layout, but “never say never”. Someone, somewhere always tries something odd.

Bob Netzlof