Steam Locomotive Lettering

[?] I have a Broadway Limited J1e Hudson lettered for the New York Central, but my layout is mainly Santa Fe. I saw an article some time ago in MR on how to remove the lettering (so I can add the Santa Fe decals) but can’t remember where I saw it. Can anyone out there tell me what issue this information was in, or how to remove the lettering?

Thanks in advance.


poly s sells a paint and decal remover…apply it on the decal with a q-tip, let it crinkle, then wipe it off and wash it with warm soapy water, youll have to repaint the area but your LHS should have a color to match so you can thin it and paint over the bad spot, before applying the decals…I have a series of pictures with explanations here to show you the process of what you are asking for…click the “next” button to take you through the steps and be sure to also go to TRAINS2 to complete the series of pictures… I ran out of room in the TRAINS1 album and had to start a new one[:D]

I used an exacto blade really carefully, then repainted the area, that worked fine for me. By the way, if you use dry transfers to re-letter, Be sure and seal them. I didn’t, and ended up having to apply new letters due to the first ones getting rubbed off[V][:(][banghead][sigh][#oops]. Learn from others mistakes![8D][tup]

If yourHudson was bought “used” from the NYC, the repainted areas need not be an exact match. It might even be prototypical!

Thanks to Blind Bruce-that’s exactly what I did. Pollyscale “steam power black” was an almost perfect match and you have to look close to see it. Never gave the prototypical angle a thought.
Great minds work in the same direction.