steam locomotive parts

When a steam locomotive is sent to the scrapyard,where do the cab gauges,builders plates,headlights,number boards,etc,go. does the collector removes it before the locomotive is scrapped.

Serviceable parts still useful to the owner (up to and including side and main rods and driver sets) would either be removed before sending the loco to scrap or be carefully removed by the scrapper and returned to the original owner. Items of no further use (including builder’s plates) would be disposed of by the scrapper if still present. Collectors ended up with most such items, either legally or by removing them without permission. Others were simply added to the scrap stream.

If you have seen the interior views of buildings about to be imploded you have a good idea of the condition of a steamer just before the torches started to cut it up.


Sadly, it was SP practice to dispose of these items, i’ve been wanting any Sacramento Shops builders plate for years but SP had explicit instructions to remove these from the boiler and toss into the melt pile. Many times serviceable appliances would be recycled to keep others in service and go to scrap at a later date.


Recycling of steam parts was quite common during the end of steam. It is reported that N&W J #611 has parts from all of the other 13 J class. Museums today even swap out parts for restoration work today. UP has a 2nd 4-8-4, #838 which is a sister to #844. She is used as a parts source to keep the 844 in service. Builder’s plates were a one shot deal, like the VIN number plate on a car. They were thrown away. That is why builder’s plate demand a high value in the collector’s market and why today builder’s plates are targets for thieves.

Likewise, WP sold SP two of their GS-6 war babies upon retirement to SP sans tenders which WP retained for company use , these were used as a parts source for the fleet and eventually scrapped by SP.


I think the company takes of the parts off and can resuse them r put them in storage for the same class of locomotive that they still have operating. I think they also might donate them to eather historical society or a museum. But i am not shure.

I think the company takes of the parts off and can resuse them r put them in storage for the same class of locomotive that they still have operating. I think they also might donate them to eather historical society or a museum. But i am not shure.