steam locomotive takes father on his last ride when he passes away

For the life of me i cannot recall the name of this movie.I thought it was called “ghost Train” about a father and son who loved the railroads and they(the father ,son and grandson i believe)all live in the father’s house which just happens to be built over a former right of way.One night the father goes into the kitchen or wherever and his son comes into the room at the same time and to their horror or delight they hear the sound of a locmotive horn or whistle.Suddenly through this house comes this huge train and an old fashioned type of conductor gets off the train and says"well John or whatever his name is "were waiting for you.But i don’t have a ticket says the father and the conductor says to him “here i have one just for you” The father says goodbye to his son and grandson and the train passes out of sight and the house goes back to the way it was.If anyone remembers this beloved movie and knows where i can get it , …well after explaining the story to my other railfans ,they want a copy as well.
God Bless you all! Happy holidays!

IIRC, that was an episode of “Amazing Stories”, an NBC series of the late 80’s. Steven Spielberg had something to do with it, creator or producer or something.

I remember the episode, the grandfather had caused a wreck back when he was a child. He was playing on the right-of-way and the “Limited” was coming. The engineer threw the train into emergency, and it derailed, killing most of the passengers. So, as Grandpa got older, he knew that the train was coming back for him. Later, the rail line was abandoned, and the son built his families new house on the spot, even though Grandpa knew the secret. and had warned them. On the night of the 50th anniversary of the wreck, the “Limited” returns and crashes through the house, and stops to pick up Grandpa.
There’s a great part where the fireman of the steam engine goes up to the Mr. Coffee and fills his thermos, and says, “Thanks, Mr. Coffee.”[:D]

Occasionally, the Sci-Fi network plays episodes or has a marathon of the series. HTH[8D]

[:)]Thanks Jim,
It was great and nice of you to get me that information.I would have asked if anyone out there had recorded that episode so that i could pay them to make me a copy since is not selling any of the episodes individually and since they are the property of the sci-fi channel they have ,i guess full control over who gets to see any of those great stories.So help me god i loved that episode so much.When you love the railroads like we do it can’t but hit a nerve with you plus steven spielberg who is also from new jersey as i am i think must also be a railfan himself ,otherwise why such a touching story of father,son and grandson?[:)]Too bad there weren’t more stories like that.Also of note i purchased “Ghost Train ,Lucky Luke” used,on dvd and i thought at the time that that was the real deal but hopefully volume 3 as it is called will be alright as well.God bless you for answering my post.

Happy I could be some help.[:D]

If you find that episode on tape, let me know. I’m really into the supernatural(Stephen King and such)[;)]

Merry Christmas to you and yours![8D]

[:)]merry christmas Jim.
If i find that episode i will let you know.Right now my future brother in law has his Tivo(whatever that contraption is) programmed to record it should it ever be shown by the sci-fi channel,since according to him,they has the controlling rights at this time.I just can’t see why steven spielberg would sell his entire series to sci-fi without giving the public a chance at purchasing individual episodes.[?]