The annual small-scale steamup, held each year in January in Diamondhead Mississippi, has been cancelled for 2006. Sadly, this area was next-door to where Hurricane Katrina hit. The hotel that hosts the event is being used to house the homeless for a number of months. It is sounding like the show will be back in 2007 at the same location.
I’m all for that! Save me the travel costs, too! Of course, I’m not quite sure how his neighbors would take to 24 hour steaming… Probably about as well as mine, so my railroad’s out of the question, too. Wait! Marty’s in the middle of nowhere! His nearest neighbors are in Iowa. [;)]
Seriously, hope things get back to normal down there soon enough. I wasn’t going to be able to make it this year anyway, so now I’m in good company. See y’all in 2007!