The May 2005 MR had an interesting article on steel benchwork by Bill Boyd and Art Jones. Since I am about to begin building my layout, I was really fascinated by it and the possibilities, cost and speed of construction that steel could offer. But no one in the Boise, Idaho area knows what I am talking about when I phone to ask about steel building studs and the internet gives me places I can buy a whole steel building. If I mail order, I am sure my cost factor would go up to the price of wood, especially if I underestimate or over-estimate what I need. So I need a local supplier or the code word to call a building supply house so that they know what I am asking for. Any help out there?
The article had a url for the folks that make the flexible channel. I checked out the site, looked pretty neat. There’s a phone number listed for info concerning local distributors.
Ther term is “Lightweight Steel Framing.” My experience is to put stores like Home Depot on the bottom of the list of places to call. You will be likely be speaking to someone who last week was stocking the produce section of the local supermarket. Try local lumber yards where you generally will find more knowledgeable & helpful people.
Your best bet is to speak with anyone you know working in the building trades. Most contractors who do any commercial work will have run into lightweight steel framing and if they ca’t get the studs for you at a discount, can at least direct you to a local supplier.
Both Home Depot and Lowes here in Cincinnati carry steel studs… Do you have any places like that out there by you?
I work in commercial construction and the model railroad club I belong to built all of our benchwork out of steel studs.
I picked up lots of scrap steel studs at a construction site, ask the drwall supplier for them.
I managed to get enough 42-46" scrap stud cutoffs to do our club layout of 20’ x 40’.
Our benchwork is very strong and sturdy.
Contact a sheetrock - drywall supplier / contractor to find them.
You will probably need to find commercial construction site to ask about metal studs, they are usually not used in home construction.
Good luck