Steel tressel walkway saftey rails

Need a few thoughts on how to make steel walkway saftey railing along the edge of two curved 38 in long tressels (HO), that form a wye.

I use N scale rail for bridge guard rail and wondering if the N scale ties would work for the post, with spring wire for the pipe horz railing? Not sure of the scale N dim. of a tie.

Thanks in advance for any info…John

Plastruct sells plastic railing material:

Dave H.

Thanks Dave, ordered thier Catalog.

From the pictures Im trying to go by, I need a post every 8-10 feet, with a horz pipe running accross the top and another horz pipe running accross in the center of each wood post. I can see now why a lot of modelers dont apply the walk way rails.

Perhaps Plastruct for the pipe and either N scale ties or ?..Owell Ive got a few weeks before I get that far, just trying to get my ducks in a row…Thanks again…John

Why do you want to use ties? Why not use stripwood (balsa or basswood)? Or plastic strip?

Dave H.

Hi Dave
Well the n scale tie is about a scale 6x6 and 4 1/2 feet long when using it in HO. I have scads of them as I stripped the rails off and used the rails for bridge rail on other bridges.

Now looking closer at the n scale tie (Atlas I presume) each tie has a hole where the rail was mounted on one side and the rail has a plastic spacer. Im thinking of curring the ties off at the upper side and removing the ties from this plastic strip, leaving a fence like post every 8 or so feet… Then drilling holes to fit the post spacing on the bridge and the small tie spikes on lowere part of each post would be a simple set on on bridge. cut the ties with a zuron and sanded the nibs, look very close to the pictures of the keddie wye bridge, except for the lower cross section, ow which could be plastic strip…Dave I think I ansered my own question,…may go with it unless i hear of another way.

For your walkways, do them the same as is done w/ fire barrel platforms. Glue ties, stripwood or plastruct beams every 6-8’, lay your choice of planking, and for the rails, I would suggest preformed railingsor for more durability, solder brass horizontals to the posts. Make the post spacing equal the beams to drill and glue.
Bob K.

I would use brass or other metal wire stock of an appropriate diameter. You could feed it through those holes all the way along, and then paint it red or yellow…even black.