For step by step installs check out the RCS page and look into the RC Modules Tab…good Knowledge there!
I had (have) an 0-4-0 in pieces…I am assuming you will place batteries in tender?
some thoughts:
put batteries in Tender.(what kind of batteries are u using?)
Wire charging jack on rear of tender (Easy Way = BIK (batt install kit)from RCS)
Make quick disconect between Engine and Tender. (I use 8 pin jack from NWRCS)
If you plan on simple fwd no speed control then a simple on/off switch will work. for Fwd/Rev you would want a Double Pole, Double Throw switch. For back and forth/speed control w/o RC you could look into G-Scale Graphics Crtitter Control…or for a little more cashola and RC control the RCS Evo…
This is not a hard project, but you need to have a plan going into it…a little more info on what you plan to do would help us help you!
The mentioned critter control is definitely the way to go - I’m sure Del could walk you through the installation. Batteries could be installed in the tender and recharged through a jack or put into a trailer car (like a boxcar) for removable batteries or battery pack. The 0-4-0 is a little speed demon and will run very well on 12v or even 9.6 volts.
Those are great videos! I have been looking for a way to put RC in my beginner Locos and I don’t want to spend bokoo bucks to do it…maybe bokoo bucks someday…but not yet…thanks for the post!..I am stoked to try your method on my little Hartland Switcher, and will let you know how it turns out!
you know, for about another $20 or so, you could purchase a system made with Large Scale Trains in mind (vs. boating)…
I’d encourage you to visit …there is a HLW Mack install posted there that may help guide you with whatever you install!
I began my RC Train expierence with the RCS “EVO” set up and for around $105 + batteries, and I was running Trains (Futaba Pistol Control, EVO B2, Stock Car, Drill Battery, BMann Switcher)…I receive No compensation from any enity involved with the sale or distribution of RCS, I’m just a really happy customer…
The RCS Product is Great, and again I must compliment the Dealer Network here in the States; simply 2nd to NONE!
The RCS-Evo system also allows you to get the train moving at a speed you want and then turn the transmitter off. This conserves transmitter batteries and also ensure that the engine doesn’t suddenly stop (possibly damaging itself) if your transmitter batteries go dead or if the engine gets out of range.
David…Sorry if I offended, not the case, just informing of another “way” to do things… no diss implied, just as someone prob pointed you to the many choices avail, I was doing the same…
hey if it works for you and you’re happy, what more can one hope for? Thats one of the great thing about this hobby, many cures for the same problems-keeps it interesting!
David, I wasn’t meaning to diss your system either. All I was stating was how the other system worked. If the system you are using allows you to operate trains in the way you want to, that’s great, use it. I can see where it would be a very viable system for small trains. Some of the larger models out there can easily weigh in at 15 lbs and above. My SD-45 with onboard batteries and remote weighs in at 15.5 lbs with nothing attached to it. If one of these comes to a sudden stop no matter what the cause there can be some significant damage to the drive train due to the enertia of the model.
sometimes hard to get points across (communicate) in cyberspace. no offense taken. while I listed some good points about my system, it does have cons in not being compatible with digital things like sound effects. RCS is a good system; while mine is good for the simple things I do.
i read your story and i was really imprest by it too. For i may consider all the ideas everbody gives me. i thank you(and all the people) for responding to my little dillema or my fathers.