Stewart Hobbies Engines

I recently got two for Christmas AN F7 Southern Tuxedo Black AB set and a Ft Southern Green and White. Man these things sure run great so quiet and smooth i have had 30 freight cars on them no struggle at all. They run Better than my Atlas or my P2k Never hear much about them on here just wondered if any one else has them. If i understand right they are made in USA but use a German can motor And they send bodies to china for painting. Good to see someone at least building part of their product in good ole USA. I will purchase more of these when i can. Thank You everyone this is my favorite site.

Glad to read your post, Bruce!

Recently I’ve been bafflled at how many modelers actually bashed Stewart because their shells are not detailed enough.

I have a Stewart New York Central F7 that I bought back in 1997 or 98. She STILL is my quietest running locomotive, crawls easily at 2 scale mph, and can pull a heavy load. I have no plans to sell it anytime soon. Runs as good as my more expensive Atlas units. She’s definetly getting a sound decoder put in.

Yes, we now have Genesis units with See Thru grills and more goodies in the detailing department. But when these goodies were not available factory installed, Stewart was there putting out a very good product that looked sweet. A few items from DETAILS WEST and a Stewart looks just as good, or better, than a P2K unit. (and I’m a big P2K fan)


I have a Stewart switcher, in Milwaukee Road paint. I agree with you guys that this is a great manufacturer. The engine is strong, quiet and very smooth.

I agree, my Stewarts are not going anywhere anytime soon. They are just too nice.


I bought a Stewart Baldwin VO-660 about 6 months ago and couldn’t be happier It may not be as nicely detailed as my Proto 2000 Alco S1, but it is indeed one of the strongest and quietest. Mine came with the Canon motor.

The one gripe I have is that the paint jobs on the shells are not the most durable. Other than that, it’s a great locomotive. [:)]


I have 2 Stewart RS3 kits I built and painted in NH colors now I have to locate a decent motor to run them.

Thanks! AntonioFP45 first Stewarts i have ever owned and i have fallen for them big time. Like you said details may not be out of the box like Atlas,P2k But the running sure makes up for it i can always add details later.I like my Atlas and P2ks but the Stewarts Wow!! Awesome.

All the Stewart diesels I own or have seen operating, range from very good to outstanding for running qualities. The F series are outstanding, the absolute best runners in my modest diesel fleet which includes Atlas, LifeLike P2K, and Bachmann Spectrum. The VO switcher models are also outstanding, very nearly as good as the F series and easily #2 for running qualities in my diesel fleet. Stewart AS-16 does not perform to the same level - “merely” very good and not as good as some of my Atlas.

Beware of generalizations about Stewart; the drives differ somewhat in quality depending on the diesel being modeled and the run, as does the shell detail and the paint / finish job. The F series are a bit lacking in shell detail but, being F’s, its quite easy to add a few details and upgrade the overall appearance without a significant extra investment. Another option is to purchase an Intermountain F shell and finish and paint it to match your prototype.

When buying second hand (e.g. E-Bay or train shows), one thing you need to watch for is Athearn mechanisms. In its earliest days (over 20 years ago now) Stewart started with custom paint jobs on Athearn diesels. Edo, this may be what you got when you bought your RS-3s.

Just for the record Steve Stewart decided to retire in the last year and sold his line to Bowser. It is sold by them as the Stewart line of Bowser.