What does the StL&H stand foor? All I know is it’s a CP affiliate and runs through Ontario.

St Lawrence & Hudson

It was to be the new name for the D&H line when CP purchased it back in the early 90’s but CP tossed the idea and the locos and slowly getting painted back to CP lettering.

St. Lawrence and Hudson.

back in 1996, CPR decided it would rename it’s eastern operations (Eastern ontario and Quebec) under a new RR heading STL&H. Most of the eastern CPR runs beside The St. Lawrence River, end goes as far as Hudson bay.

They began to repaint locomotives under the STL&H However stopped in 1997 when the new beaver scheme came out. So 2 years managed to produce Roughly 100 STL&H repainted locomotives, including two that were painted in grey primer, but were never completed. That’s how fast the project came to an end.

Between 1995 or '96, even the railway maintenance trucks were re-lettered with the STL&H format. However, again, the new style script took over, upon release of the beaver scheme in '98, and everyhting from then on in, re-written in CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY In that new box lettering, followed by the golden beaver, should speace permit.

Notmany STL&H Locomotives have been re-lettered or repainted, there still are about 90 moving on the entire CPR system.

It is stritly myopinion, but by repainting the locomotives ending up costing more then it was originally anticipated, and for a reason that was now lost under the dollar value, after 1998 it was not continued.

Oldheads,older then me, still refer to the eastern area as the STL&H

Buton allour papers, books, and safety equipment it comes through now as ‘Canadian Pacific Railway’ in the 1998 script.

Many Engineers will also agree, those locomtives presented a more ‘home like’ design comparedto the 1993 CPR System scheme. It gave the air of a more local railroad, rather then this transcontinetal massive operation, which may have been another idea.

The STL&H did include CP Rail’s eastern operations, but also the former D&H. It was created on April 2, 1996 and the first locomotive painted as STL&H was SD40-2 5654.
The Hudson name comes from the Hudson River. CP was looking at selling these lines, which were not profitable.
The Western portion of CP, where they made all of their money, was called Heavy Haul Systems.

You sure about Hudson river?

Hudson bay is more plausable, considering Hudson Bay is Hudson bay inc. The longest survivng company in Canada, that at one point owned more then 10% of the land surface of the world.

Hudson bay is more of a canadian icon, and it would make sense to me.

Check out the unofficial StL&H web site ( ). It provides a good history of this Canadian Pacific subsidiary that included the D&H.

Hudson River is absolutely right - runs in Delaware (hence the original “Delaware and Hudson” name).

Not “in Delaware”–the original “Delaware & Hudson” was named for the two rivers. The original D&H was a canal that ran to haul anthracite from northeastern PA across the Delaware and up to the Hudson at Kingston, NY. The anthracite could then be shipped down the Hudson to New York.

Then they got into the railroad business, built (and bought) a line from the anthracite fields to Binghamton to Albany (on the Hudson) to Montreal (on the St. Lawrence).

The St.L&H got off to a poor start with labor (labour to those of you north of the border) when they tried to “reduce labor costs”. This triggered protests and grievance filings( because CP “allegedly failed” to properly inform, and bargain with, the affected employees’ unions/brotherhoods) from the BofLE, UTU and other rail unions. The protests included wearing “heritage” Caps,t-shirts and jackets (D&H, TH&B) and calling the StL&H the Stan Laurel & Hardy. CP saw the potential for a long and not really necessary squabble with labor and caved in. There is also the fact that D&H employees had just won a protracted battle with Guilford Transportation in the courts after both sides rejected an arbitration officer’s findings. Guilford placed the D&H in chapter 11 bankruptcy and CP bought D&H from Guilford. Trying the same tactics Guilford had employed( leasing D&H to Springfield Terminal to obtain a “better labor deal”) previously,CP set up the StL&H to accompli***he same thing. Wisely, CP settled out of court in the US and settled arbitration cases in Canada.