I’m one of those guys that has to have at least one stock car for every steam era road I have. About a month ago, I bought some cattle and glued them inside my UP stock car - not that anyone can see them unless the car is between them and a bright light, but at least it soothed the desire to have at least one “stocked” stock car…
Anyone else out there have cattle in your stock cars ?.
use to on old layout. fun times when i was younger.
When I get to it I am going to put pigs in a double deck stock car.
I found a surplus store selling tiny toy pigs very close to HO for ten cents each. A much better deal than what the train catalogs show.
Perhaps a bit of straw sticking out the slats would draw people’s attention to the animals inside. So would sound.
By the way, I am old enough to remember seeing stock cars in trains as a kid. They would spray a white-ish disinfectant from outside the car, so the bottom layer outside the car should have a vague white powdery look to it. Weathering chalks might be the best way to approximate this.
Dave Nelson