stopping email report

I get all that is posted new. I used to be able to read it and not do anything so that I would not receive more on that thread. But if I wanted to continue, I would open the thread and click on box to continue receiving. Now, there is no such option except that I get all new posts on Trains Mag. and Classic Trains Mag. with a note on the lower left to click to not receive any more on this thread. First, it opens up to a page that says I can eliminate all email from Kalmbach or not. Second, I like the older choice better as being more efficient and easier to use. Is it my computer or is there a problem?

The “STOP RECEIVING EMAILS on This Subject” link is broken. I like the system of receiving all the e-mail from new threads as they are created and then choosing the ones I no longer wish to see posts about. But the system is useless unless the link is fixed.


As of now, this link is working. It may have been a targeting problem with my ISP. After I posted on this forum, things started working correctly.
