Some days, places and exact events have been alterted to protect those involved out of resepect. Basic events though happned as written. It was a cool night
So, 3-6 months ago my son and I were hanging out at our favortie spot to watching trains acorss town. There is a local that runs the night industry work. Its a good spot to see the crew work, and the different cars. For the last year and half we have been goign up there, maybe twice a month to watch. As time went on we got to know the crews and they began to know us . We were pretty noticeably, only father and son team to show up on a somewhat regular basis at night. So one night, were watching and the brakeman, an older fellow, came up to us and asked if Junior wanted a ride! How Cool! But one problem, i would have to drive the truck to pick him up and the other side…it would have been like a 3 mile ride. Well, my step son is only 5 and he waskinda scared, no matter how we tried he would go without Dad. so we put it off. As the converastion turned, we planned another night, on a place in town where they could take us out, and bring us back.
So, 3 nights go by and we were in the feild they told us to be. And sure enough here it comes. The kid and I were so excited but we had to run to catch it. So, I give Junior the flash light and I picke him up, and off we ran to catch the train. (Granted, he will be 6 in March, but he allready weighs 65 pounds and is tall as a small 3grader) “We figured it was you guys. But the flash light kinda threw us off a bit. It was flashin all over the place. You guys gave a us good laugh once we saw what was going on!”
They stopped the engines and we got to hop on. It was a apir of GP-40’s and we had a ball. We went north and picked up some cars. Then head back and dropped us off. All in all, the fastest 45 minutes of my life. But he got to honk the horn, and hang out with the crew. We rode in the conductor seat the whole time and a gre