Strange bulkhead flatcar on CSX with fglashing lghts

Found this picture while poking around. The description was as follows :

What is this thing? It looks like a flat car with a single bulkhead about 1/4th of the way from one end. Note the set of hoses hanging off the end of the car and the yellow/orange lights on the bulkhead and on the CSX loco in front of it. Any thoughts anyone ? /DL

I’ve got no idea. The car looks like it’s got a set of horns on the top of the bulkhead and it has flashing warning lights, but no xtra headlights or anything like that. Anyone know what it’s for?

Remote control unit homebuilt by CSX. They have more than one used in yard service. Lots of problems,union rules etc.

Cool photo.



its a remote controll flat car…it will make any locomotive MUed to it a remote controll…
csx engineer

jsoderq csxengineer98 thanks for the information.

