Strange Loco

I saw a strange (to me) loco today, on Norfolk Southern: RP-E4C. It was MUed with a GP40C; looked something like a GP9. It took me by surprise, so I didn’t have a chance to grab my camera or note the unit number. First time I’ve seen it around here. Anyone know?

The RP-E4C is a “slug” unit - it takes its power from the GP40. See this webpage by Chris R. Toth on his excellent “” website - lots of details and info there:

I’ve posted it before, but it bears repeating - for this kind of info on NS power, memorize Chris’s website ! There’s nothing else like it out there. (I suspect - but don’t actually know - that he’s employed by NS [or Thoroughbred Mechanical Services at the Juniata Locomotive Shops in Altoona, etc.] in its Mechanical / Motive Power Dept. in Altoona.)

  • Paul North.

NS Road slug